The Famous 28 Tram Line
100% eletric vehicle 4 sitting capacity Tour guide included
Descrição do serviço
One of the most famous images of Lisbon is definitely the 28 Tram. Once, it was just one of the many routes that served the "alfacinhas" (Lisbon residents), however with the passage of time, the 28 tram has become one of the ex-libris of the city, delighting thousands of tourists who visit the capital daily. Here, the narrow and winding streets of the Alfama and Mouraria districts are a constant along the route. This tour follows exactly the same route as the 28 line, however we will make some stops in emblematic places, where the tram does not pass, which have a lot to see and to tell. If you're planning a trip to Lisbon, and want to try the famous tram 28 but do not want to waste hours in endless queues, this will undoubtedly be the best option.

Informações de contato
Av. da Liberdade 6, 1250-144 Lisboa, Portugal
+351 961379586